Atlantis Build The Pyramids

Ignatius Loyola Donnelly, an ex-congressman from Minnesota, wrote a well-known "history" of Atlantis: The Antediluvian World in 1882, which posits that Atlantis, a sizable island once known as Atlantis, once stood in the Atlantic Ocean. He believed that Plato's portrayal of this island was a historical account rather than a myth. Donnelly argued that the first time man advanced from primitive to civilized society was in the territory of Atlantis, and European "Bronze Age" tools were derived from those used in Atlantis. He pointed to the striking similarities between the pyramids of Egypt and those of Mesoamerica as proof for his claim that the Atlanteans had established colonies throughout the world. However, archaeologist Kenneth Feder noted that the pyramids of the Old and New Worlds do not resemble ...