Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas

Chan Thomas worked with the United States Air Force, and he was a ufologist. He wrote the Adam and Eve story in 1965, and unfortunately, his book was banned by the Central Intelligence Agency. The reason they banned his book is because they hid it and classified it as a top secret. but eventually they renewed the book in 2013. The allegedly copied copy of the book was 300 pages, but the new release only has 57 pages. This book basically explains how the world is going to end. 

They say the world is going to end because of the catalysts that cause new beginnings and the cyclical
nature of the earth. The mainstream understanding of the way that pole shifts operate is that we have our earth, and we are like a dipole planet. We have magnetic fields, and slowly, over time, the magnetic field will get closer to flipping. When it flips, it's a field reversal. The earth stays in the same place. The geographic north and south stay the same, but in Chan Thomas book, he describes the pole shift that is totally annhilating. It's not the magnetic field moving slowly over time; it happens instantly, and it's not just the magnetic field; it's the entire planet itself. The polls at the North and South Pole shift every 12,000 to 15,000 years, and once they shift, it causes a giant apocalypse, big earthquakes, and giant tsunamis. Once the apocalypse happens, we go right back to the Stone Age, so according to this information, the first humans similar to us existed around 10,000 years ago. We were in the year 2000, so that means that we're in the year 12,000 right now, and now we see global warming, earthquakes, and so on. What's also mind-blowing is that in the book it says that we are the sixth civilization that came out of the apocalypse, and that would also explain a lot because the Sahara Desert used to be green and Antarctica used to have forests. So are we just in a constant loop? That's the exact thing the Bible was talking about: the massive fluid. Also, that's what probably happened to Atlantis; it would make sense for a city to be in the water if the water wasn't there before. 


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