the day maybe like the late 2000s early 2010s YouTube had this weird category of videos known as homunculus videos this was back when YouTube was less regulated and overall more Wild West like now these humulus videos involve people experimenting and creating new life forms the trend seemed to be popularized by the Russian YouTube channel titled how to make which taught people how to create a homunculus a supposed microscopic but fully formed human being from which aidus was formerly believed to develop, so I guess it's like a deformed type creature that developed from a human fetus he would supposedly inject chicken eggs with his bodily fluids AKA human specimen create these Frankenstein Critters. his sole purpose was to create a real homunculus and put those that were creating the fake homunculus videos to shame but people seemed to be put off by it all and began expressing their ethical concerns to the YouTuber and of course there were the non-believers and Skeptics of it all but most people seemed to love the series as it opened up a number of interesting possibilities of what would the creature turn out like and what if you tried injecting a larger egg and what would that creature look like then I searched up what the largest eggs were and they're ostrich eggs look at these imagine how big those could get now after injecting the egg with a special sauce..png)
combination he seals it and places it in a beanie to keep warm 10 days later he finally unseals it and notices a strange smell coming from the egg as well as growth on the outer part of the shell so he cracks it open to reveal what's been growing inside and it just gives me the chills watching it take a look it's his baby kind of if you think about it because does use his own human specimen there's also another video in which he instantly kills it when it starts to spit something out of its presumed mouth he just slams it with a large buck and Bam its guts are everywhere and this is where you start to scream fake this is impossible you can't just inject an egg with your special juice to create a Spore character right it's almost widely accepted to be a hoax but fun to watch as the comment section would tell you.
either way reality didn't stop this guy as he went on to create batches of these eggs and in order to find the development process of his slimy friends after 40 days he goes on to crack his eggs and we get to see the Abominations sadly nothing came from the eggs though as he explains something must have been wrong with his specimen from the beginning of the experiment leading to the failure imagine explaining this hobby to your friends and family though finally in video four of his series he is able to replicate the homunculus that spit at him but instead of killing it this time he preserves it in a jar of water for a while we see get much bigger now as it has grown something out of its mouth he decides to feed it meat which you know I would wish that the creation was vegan out of old things it being carnivorous just adds to that creepy factor for me I don't know about you guys but if it broke out of its jar and it was starving I don't want it coming after me imagine that little thing just crawling on the floor right but I guess you can't just throw a book at it or something rent your home forever
the link for homunculus vid:
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